A common mistake among people suffering with a severe acne condition is mixing remedies at the same time. Many complications can ensue by doing this and can actually make your acne skin condition worsen dramatically. First point to remember is to always consult a dermatologist prior to beginning an acne care regiment. Of the many acne remedy products out on the market today, most are usually very specific with regard to the chemical balances and compounds within your body. For instance if you are mixing something that was designed for a specific PH level and the level in your body is different, most likely you are going to experience very undesirable results. What happens literally is the products are fighting against each other to control the PH level in your body. The end result here is the acne you are trying to cure will actually become worse. The last thing you want to have happen is two or more products that have no business interacting with each other, co-mingling on your face...
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